Sanna Pöyhönen
"The Great Ladies"
For me art is learning about and sympathizing with people’s motives, thoughts, behaviours – their souls. Art is a way to satisfy my curiosity about peoples’ stories, and to express my compassion and empathy to them. I believe the essence of art is an invisible healing process that initiates from the model or the subject, and continues towards people via the work of artist.
My art work has always leaned on the tradition. I started to study ceramics 30 years ago as a teenager after watching a document of Maria Martinez, a legendary pueblo style pottery artist, who created art pieces with a fully organic process. I’m fascinated by the primitive dialogue between the earth, soil and my human hands. The ancient technique feels grounding and comforting in the middle of the digital noise we live in.
The recent work of mine ‘Mahtinaiset - Great Ladies’ is about breaking boundaries as a woman, expanding women’s roles and showing women in powerful and meaningful positions in life.
I find mythical female characters from the Finnish folklore inspiring. I hope our daughters could learn about these heroins to understand how versatile roles women have always played in the rough Nordic environment. I hope they could take their strength and peculiarities in their hearts.
The forest has always been my secret force. A place to relax, to get energy and inspiration, and to heal. Alone in the forest, I truly feel connected to the world and whole as a person. Hence, my Great Ladies always have a piece of nature next to them. Their powers come from the connection to the nature rather than only from themselves. Even the strongest of us need the nature next to us. If we are in touch with the nature we are never alone.
Personal information
Sanna Annukka Pöyhönen
ceramic artist and sculptor (self-taught), teacher
1974: Born in Kankaanpää, Finland.
Currently lives and works in Zaandam, the Netherlands.
Education D.Sc. from Aalto University, Finland
1993 – 2013 Ceramics studies in the open college of Espoo, Finland
1990 – 1993 Art studies (ceramics, sculpture, oil painting) in the open college of Kankaanpaa, Finland
2004 Doctor of science (tech.) in Aalto University, Espoo Finland
1998 Master of science (tech.) in control engineering and intelligent systems
1993 Matriculation examination, Kankaanpaan lukio
2023 Group exhibition ‘Naisväki – Creatures of Power’ in PLAY Room, Zaandam, the Netherlands.
2023 Selected works in Momono Helsinki, Finland
2023 Group exhibition ‘Het verhaal erachter’, in Het Weefhuis, Zaandijk, the Netherlands.
2023 Group exhibition ‘Absent Landscape’, Voipaala Art Center, Sääksmäki, Finland
2023 Group exhibition ‘Street Love’ in Art’otel Amsterdam (Amsterdam Street Art), the Netherlands.
2023 Group exhibition ‘Here and Now’ in Vrij Paleis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
2023 Group exhibition ‘Vrije Tijd’ in PLAY Room, Zaandam, the Netherlands.
2023 Solo exhibition ‘Mahtinaiset– the Great Ladies’, in Finland100Park, Nieuwe Vennep, the Netherlands.
2023 Group exhibition ‘HAAR’ in Fluxus – Art Center Zaanstad, Zaandam, the Netherlands.
2023 Group exhibition ‘(s)T*ART’ in Zaanse Groen, Zaandam, the Netherlands.
2023 Group exhibition ‘Vrij Paleis Open’ in Vrij Paleis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
2022 Group exhibition ‘Zaanse Glorie’ in PLAY Room, Zaandam, the Netherlands.
2022 Solo exhibition 'Mahtinaiset - the Great Ladies' in Postelli, Kankaanpää.
2022 Group exhibition 'Les Chattes Seraphiques' in Tischenko Gallery, Helsinki.
2022 Selected works in Momono Helsinki
2010 Solo exhibition 'Tyypit - the Dudes' in Galleria Oljemark, Helsinki
2009 Solo exhibition 'Myyttejä ja muotoja – Myths and Forms' in Galleria SielunPeili, Helsinki
2003 Selected works in Galleria Ajatuksenpoikanen, Helsinki
1996 Group exhibition 'Suunniteltua ja sattumaa' in Galleria Septaria, Helsinki.
1995 Participated in the spring exhibition of Open College of Espoo
2022 Founder and teacher in Atelier Ainoa, ceramic art and sculpting school in Zaandam. the Netherlands.
2022 Featured in magazine MeNaiset 03/2022. Article "Syteen tai Saveen'
2012 Project' Pertti - prize statues for Tapiola Gala.