Ana Priscila Rodriguez
"Fairytales and Nightmares"
My visual style plays with contradictions: combines the darkness and the light, a beauty and a beast, turns fragility into a strength.
The Nordic nature is a perfect background for the magical feminine spirits who travel in the underworld or between the worlds, in a mystical no-space carried by invisible wings and often accompanied by animals, who are more than pets. The relationship between the main character and the animals rather looks like a symbiotic one. Where does the woman end and the animal starts?
If the smiths were magicians of the past, digital manipulation of the photos is the magic of nowadays. My work seems unreal, mystical, often haunted. Combination of the photographs with creative digital features is captivating. It feels like having a real vision to some ancient times and places, a peek to something that perhaps exists only in the world of spirits..
The purpose of my work is to trigger emotions in the viewer that are sometimes painful, sometimes comforting, but always melancholy (like the life in Finland ). All those shades of gray reminiscence November in the North, when people are ready to start the long, dark winter. Gathering the strength to survive the darkness. It’s not going to be easy, but life will prevail. With the right mindset they may even enjoy the silence and the lack of stimulus. After the busy, colorful summer, it’s time to stay still, look at the fire, travel deep in your own self, and escape from the world for a few months, into ourselves.
Personal information
Ana Priscila Rodriguez
Born in Mexico City, 1974.
Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Utrecht (HKU) in 2006 with a specialty in Mixed Media and Photography with background studies in History and Graphic Design.
Professional Studies
2002-2006 Bachelor in Fine Arts. Hoge School voor de Kunsten Utrecht (HKU) The Netherlands
Specialty: photography & Intermedia (mixed media)
1994-1998. Bachelor in History. Universidad del Centro Cultural Helenico, Mexico City.
1994-1996. Technical Graphic Design. Instituto de Arte Publicitario y Diseño Grafico, Mexico City.
Certified Courses. 1998-2021
Cyanotype - Cianotipia : técnica de impresión con luz, by Fábrica de Texturas, Diseño y producción de libros.
Book binding - Encuadernación sin pliegues de obra gráfica , by Susana Dominguez Martin.
Animation retro - Movimiento retro en After Effects by Joseba Elorza a.k.a. MiraRuido (Ilustrator).
The Development of an Idea. Alma Brevé. 't Oude Raadhuys, Spijkenisse, The Netherlands
Oil Painting Tecnique. Max Geene. 't Oude Raadhuys, Spijkenisse, The Netherlands
Drawing the Human Figure. Heléne Zielstra 't Oude Raadhuys, Spijkenisse, The Netherlands.
Color Pencinl Drawing Technique. Arno Van Yperen, 't Oude Raadhuys, Spijkenisse, The Netherlands.
Ceramic Technique. Yneke de Jong. 't Oude Raadhuys, Spijkenisse, The Netherlands
Potrait Drawing. Gijs Voskuijl, 't Oude Raadhuys, Spijkenisse, The Netherlands.
Seminary in Painting. Lieve Hendriks. HKU, The Netherlands.
Seminary "Sculpture in Stone" I and II Peter van de Loch. HKU, The Netherlands.
Seminary "One square meter" Herman Lijftog, HKU, The Netherlands.
BBA International Photography Prize, official short list selection "best 21", BBA Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
"Creatures of Power" Group Proyect (www.creaturesofpower.com) Zaandam, The Netherlands.
Participation at the Day of the Dead Altar at Instituto Cervantes, Utrecht, 2023. More info in here
Participation at Art The Hague 2023, represented by Pulchri Studio, The Fokkersfabriek, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Solo exhibition "Threads" at Pulchri Studio, The Hague, The Netherlands.
New Members collective exhibition at Pulchri Studio, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Screen Time 4, video selection screening at Pulchri Studio, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Chania International Photo festival (CIP Festival). Participation from 03/08/23 to 09/08/23 Collective Exhibition, Chania, Greece
Kunstkamer Vassen Zomer Editie, Ter Heerdspad 14, Vassen (current)
Kleinwerk. Collective exhibition at Pulchri Studio, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Kunstkamer Vaassen. Autumn Edition, Ter Heerdspad 14, Vaassen. (current)
"Spotlight" Collective exhibition at the Observatory Gallery in 64 Marchmont Street, LONDON, UK
"Dreams and Imaginings", Photo Place Gallery, Vermont, USA.
Kibbutz Yifat Valley Museum, Galilee, Israel, screening of "If I Were, if I Could"
Kunstkamer Vaassen. Autumn Edition, Ter Heerdspad 14, Vaassen. (current)
El Camino a Mictlán - Online exhibition on www.allthingslostonearth.com
Mexico in Nederland. Movimiento Group. Oranjekerk, Amsterdam
Kunstkamer Vaassen. Second Edition Ter Heerdstpad 14, Vaassen
Kunstkamer Vaassen. First Edition . ter Heerdtspad 14, Vaassen (8171 CH),
​Cuatro Artistas Latinoamericanas Contemporaneas" Gallery Ashok, Spuistraat 183b, Amsterdam
Dia de Muertos Exhibition, University of Amsterdam, faculty of Anthropology and History, Amsterdam.
Artex 2009 Photographic collective exhibition, European Patent Office, Rijswijk
"Het Moment" , De Pomp, Waarmond
"Voice of Image" Het Gebouw, Utrecht
Collective exhibition, Het Oude Raadhuijs, Waarmond
"Unborderlined" Gallery Kunstliefde, Utrecht.
"Tijd en Visioenen" Gallery Kunstwerk Westvoorne, Ootsvoorne.
"Fragiel" , Stichting G2A, Goes.
Solo Exhibition. Maasdeltagroep, Hellevoetsluis
Final Exam Exhibition HKU, Utrecht
Duo exhibition with Tim Hupkes. Kunstwerk Westtvoorne. Oostvoorne
"Glimpses", Het Kunstlokaal, Gouda
"Huis ,Boom,Beest" Het Kunstlokaal, Gouda
Collective Annual Exposition 't Oude Raadhuis, Spijkenisse
Collective Annual Exposition 't Oude Raadhuis, Spijkenisse
Collective Annual Exposition 't Oude Raadhuis, Spijkenisse
SHORT LISTED At the BBA International Photography Prize in Berlin, 2023 Official Selection "Best 21"
COMMENDED Award for the series "Creatures" at the Siena Creative Photo Awards, 2023 in the professional category of Series.
HONORABLE MENTION at the reFocus Annual Photo Awards 2023 for the series "The Invisible" in the category of Conceptual and
Fine Art photography, 2023
NOMINATION for the Public Choice Awards at the reFocus International Photography Awards, 2023
LONG LISTED at the BBA International Photography Prize, Berlin, 2023. Official selection "Best 50"
HONORARY MENTION by the ND AWARDS, 2022 for the series "Creatues" in the category of conceptual photography.
GOLD WINNER at the European Photography Awards, 2022 Edition in the category of Fine Art Photography - photomanipulation, for the photo 'Oblivion" from the series "The Anatomy of Love".
COMMENDED Award for the series "The Anatomy of Love" at the Siena Creative Photo Awards, 2022 in the category of Series.
OFFICIAL NOMINATION at the 8th Fine Photography Awards, on the category of Professional Photomanipulation, 2022 for the series "Limbo and Averno"
HONORARY MENTION by the Photo Place award contest "Dreams and Imaginings", Middlebury, Vermont, 2022 for the work "The Weight" from the series "Burdens"